A. Lee Bruno lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia near Charlottesville where she wakes each morning to the sun rising over the Shenandoah Valley. She was born in Kentucky with an imagination that filled her head with stories, many of which were reminiscent of the cowboy movies of the fifties. But her dreams of being a writer of such stories were replaced by the mandates of motherhood. She graduated from University of Florida pregnant with her second daughter and launched a career in social work in Pensacola. With a kid on each hip, she spent two years in graduate school in various studies of human behavior. With the same two kids in high school, she headed for a small horse farm outside Washington, D.C., with an MA in Organizational Psychology, where she launched her career in social science research for the Department of Labor. Her writing career began as a technical writer where the purpose was to assure a highly structured format and precision of word choice that would minimize any variation in readers’ interpretation of the text. She started her fiction writing at age 70 and with a shoebox of short stories under her bed, she wrote her first novel in 2015 at age 75. She says that the sensation of writing fiction compared to technical writing is like running barefoot through the grass after a winter in laced up leather boots.
She writes feminist fiction from the perspective of a woman who has lived through many generational changes and diverse life experiences enhanced by training in psychology. These are blended to create character-driven fiction that crosses over all the genres with equal irreverence. The story is the thing, and it can only be told authentically by the characters. Lee is proud to be their designated keyboarder as she follows her characters’ reactions to the conflict she imagined but no longer controls.
Non-Fiction Publications: University of West Florida
Bruno, Lee. 1976. Behavioral Learning Principles Applied to Training Supervisors. University of West Florida.
Bruno, Lee, and Ralph Roberts. 1975. Measuring the Success of Job Training Programs. Pensacola. University of West Florida.
Selected Non-Fiction Publications: Government Printing Office
Bruno, Lee. 1978. Intake and Assessment: CETA Program Models. Washington, D.C.: DOL.
Bruno, A. Lee. Change Agent Guide. Washington, D.C.: DOL 1994.
Bruno, Lee, and Jack Dickerson. 1982. Training for New Technologies: A Model for Public-Private Partnerships. Washington, D.C.: DOL.
Bruno, Lee. 2010. School to Work Transition: A Positive Behavioral Intervention. Washington D.C. U.S. DOL.
Bruno, Lee; Corley, Mary Ann; and Mamedova, Saida. 2013. Workplace Literacy: The Critical Element of All Career Paths for All Youth. Washington D.C. U.S. Department of Labor.
Selected Non-Fiction Publications National Governors’ Association
Bruno, A. Lee. 1992. State Administrative Functions and SDA Program Quality: A Self-Assessment Guide.
Bruno, A. Lee. 1991. Managing to Win: A Guide to Mastery of EDWAA Financial Resources. Washington, D.C.: DOL.